lamya A.

Hey there! I am the creator of AI Decoder. I am a data scientist by training and a Ph.D. student in AI. In this blog, I try to explain the knowledge I learn in simple words and help someone somewhere.

Emotion Detection from Text using Neural Networks and TensorFlow

In this project, we will see step by step how to create an NLP project of sentiment analysis using TensorFlow and Streamlit. You will find the code source on the GitHub repository: Code source: lamya A.Hey there! I am the creator of AI Decoder. I am a data scientist by training and a Ph.D. …

Emotion Detection from Text using Neural Networks and TensorFlow Read More »

Scrap YouTube titles, views, and thumbnails using Selenium and Python.

In this video, I will show you how to use Selenium to scrap titles, thumbnails, and views count of a YouTube video. This is the code source of this project on GitHub: If you have a question, leave it in the comment section below. lamya A.Hey there! I am the creator of AI Decoder. …

Scrap YouTube titles, views, and thumbnails using Selenium and Python. Read More »

Customer Churn Prediction Using Machine Learning and Python

Customer churn is a critical indicator to measure and understand a company’s clients.  Keeping 100% of customers happy is unfortunately unrealistic. That’s why companies try so hard to increase their customer retention rate. In this tutorial, we are going to build a customer churn project based on the Telco dataset using machine learning and python. Table of content: Customer churn definition Dataset …

Customer Churn Prediction Using Machine Learning and Python Read More »

Customer Segmentation Project using K-prototypes with Code Source

In this tutorial, we will explain and implement a customer segmentation project using K-prototypes. In this article, you will discover what customer segmentation is, why companies use it, and how to create a customer segmentation project using K-prototypes algorithm. After completing this tutorial, you will know: Customer segmentation Definition Why segment customers? Customer segmentation types …

Customer Segmentation Project using K-prototypes with Code Source Read More »

Activation Functions in Neural Networks: A Complete Guide

In deep learning, activation functions are essential to controlling how well the model will learn from the training dataset and determining the type of predictions the model will make. Activation functions help the neural network model select useful information from noise. Therefore, the choice of an activation function should be made carefully. In this article, …

Activation Functions in Neural Networks: A Complete Guide Read More »